Friday I "jumped" on the scale....drum roll please...
I lost 2 2 weeks. Talk about excruciatingly S L O W!! Age truly does come before beauty! Assuming here that beauty=weight loss and age is the reason I can't seem to drop it as quickly as I once could! *groan* At any rate, that brings my total lbs left to go to 13! Yay!
I hope that everyone reads lbs as elle bees.
Oh, and Friday I saw on yahoo news something about a 17 day diet plan that is sweeping the nation....the thought process is that every 21 days your body makes a habit and so right before you settle into a routine you switch it up...hence 17...
I'm sorry, but I happen to NEED to have an exercise else will I manage to stick to it?!
Redbook magazine published a story about a dating website for married people where they sent a reporter "undercover" to find out what makes married people want to be openly unfaithful (although, I'm sure they aren't exactly open with their spouse of their unfaithfulness)--by publishing an article about a dating website for married people, they have now given them a LARGE amount of FREE advertising nationwide (idiots). What moron thinks going undercover to find out why a person cheats will stop them from doing it? And publishing the fact that the majority of the clients (over 9 million account holders) are men, in a women's magazine, is essentially helping the website gain a larger female population. Of course now more women are going to go to the website out of curiosity, and the cycle not only continues but will grow in popularity. Thank you Redbook! You have helped millions of families! The website's slogan? "Life is short. Have an affair."
I'm gonna need a shower after that last sentence. Ick.
Well, it's way past my bed time....I have a breakfast date in the morning w/my love. I love our Sunday breakfast routine. :) Eggs and pancakes. Delish! :)
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