Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Over Share...

With all the social networking available at our fingertips urging everyone to update their status or tell us what is on their minds I can't help but notice a widespread phenomenon I like to call: the over share.

Yes, we've all been guilty of an over share from time to time. In a weak moment when our better judgment lapses and we spout off about things better left unsaid. This lapse in judgment however, would then be considered diarrhea of the mouth (or text). I am guilty of this from time to time. Often when I get put in an uncomfortable situation or am flustered, I will ramble on in circles trying to dig myself out. Inevitably in these moments I end up saying all the wrong things, divulge all the wrong information, and leave out the one sentence I had intended on saying. No no, I'm talking about the repeat offenders here. You know who they are, lurking around on every news feed, some of them you have even hid permanently. But, for those of you who do not recognize yourself in the mirror, I am going to do you a favor. I am going to give you a few examples of what is appropriate vs what is an over share.

Example A:

AppropriateDr. Finklestein, I have been having troubles with my IBS again. *groan* I cannot seem to make it through an entire day without running to the bathroom every 30 minutes. I think I'm getting dehydrated. Is there something you can give me to make it stop?! Please help!!

Over share:  Dear Facebook/Twitter/Myspace/Social Networking Website friends and family: I went to Dr. Finklestein's office today to get a check up on my IBS. After having to excuse myself from several meetings the day before due to the rumbly in my tummbly, I just HAD to find some relief. Thankfully he put me on some new meds. Hopefully I will get this urge to poo under control. Please Pray!!

Example B:

AppropriateBest friend A to best friend B: How's everything going with you these days? B to A: Good. Well, except for this rash I keep getting on my arm. I've been putting lotion on it but it doesn't seem to want to clear up. Oh and Tommy didn't take the kids to school today so of course I was running late and blah blah blah blah blah....

Over share:  Lady at the cash register to friend B: How's everything going with you these days? B to Lady: Good. Well, except for this rash I keep getting on my arm. I've been putting lotion on it but it doesn't seem to want to clear up. Oh and Tommy didn't take the kids to school today so of course I was running late and blah blah blah blah blah....

Example C:

Appropriate:   Dear Facebook/Twitter/Myspace/Social Networking Website friends and family: I am having such a bad day!!! *fume* Somebody please cheer me up, I could use a lil love right now.

Over share:   Dear Facebook/Twitter/Myspace/Social Networking Website friends and family: The dumb ***** Cindy called Tommy today...again. I told Tommy to block her phone number, but noo!!

Jane's relationship status has been changed to single.
-----5 comments telling Jane she is too good for that no good cheating Tommy anyways.

3 Hour lapse in time:

Dear Facebook/Twitter/Myspace/Social Networking Website friends and family: I just love Tommy soooo much, he is just the most amazing man ever!! That Cindy can go kick rocks!

Jane is now in a relationship with Tommy.
-----5 comments from the same 5 friends trying to smooth everything over from having Jane's back.

My point? Ahem...well, if you can't figure it out, then I'm probably talking about you. ;)

Happy Tuesday Peeps! Hope everyone is over their sugar overdose from Sunday!

P.S. Blue Man Group is in Tucson this weekend!! Guess who got her man tickets for his b-day?? Uh huh, That's right!! This girl right here!! Woot Woot! :)


  1. I completely agree!

    I do have something to say about the repeat offenders. There are some that just kill me sometimes!
    Here's another hint:
    If your post is so long that you have to post comments on said post in order to get all the characters to fit, it's probably too long!

    And we don't need an update everytime you have lost a tenth of a pound.
    And we don't really want to know your measurements or every time you have folded a load of laundry and put meat out to thaw, then a new post when the laundry is put away and the meat has thawed and your kid wakes up and then eats breakfast and then poops in the corner and naps again.

    And the poor dramatic teenagers who are (as mentioned above) always in a state of roller coaster love life drama....

    I'm not really sure where I fit into this mess, as I think of the things I need to do, yet I have found time to ramble on about people who ramble on. ;)

    I think it all comes down to___We want to be heard and understood and "validated." Maybe some more than others. That poor obnoxious mom that rambles on about every minute detail and posts pictures of her cluttered china cabinet and the spitup stains that didn't come out of her son's onesie just needs more time with people who eat solid foods and are potty trained.
    The drama queen love life victim and "understanding friends" have yet to learn what true love is all about. In their eyes, the world is about to end one minute and is amazing te next. I shudder to think what I might have posted had there been a Facebook, etc when I was a teenager. (Lord, I hope I actually did have more sense than that!) But I can remember feeling all those emotions over ignorant boys.
    All that said, the posts, many times, get on my nerves. However, they teach me something as well. 1) Before I post, think, "Is this something Ms. Crazy would post? If so, better think twice. AND 2) I have learned to try to be a little more patient/ understanding, because maybe I've been there or will be.

    I want to tell lovesick psycho girlfriend she'd be happier without him, but she'll just have to figure it out on her own. :/
    OK. I seem to have developed diarrhea of the mouth. I will step off my soap box.
    I hope this doesn't sound preachy. I was just putting in my 2cents.

    Things to do before I'm 35.
    Not sure if you have, but I would like to try Thai food, Indian food, and sushi. I never have.

  2. LOL. I have tried sushi, I love it! I'll think about the other two.

    I'm an offender of the over share myself. I truly had something in mind when I started blogging this morning. I think it's diarrhea of the mouth when you over share occasionally. That is human, it is vulnerable, and that is what makes the social networks so great. This is the part where people get to let down the curtain to their lives and we get to see the messy stuff that nobody talks about normally. I like knowing when my friends are having a rough day and need a lift. I like being able to make someone's day better by giving them a laugh or a shoulder to lean on.

    The chronic offenders should be aware that there IS such a thing as TOO MUCH INFORMATION!! In saying that you are right; the repeat offenders do tend to make a person think twice before hitting share. :)


Thanks for reading! Your feedback is always appreciated! :)