Have you ever started reading a blog but then later realized you had reader's remorse?
Reader's remorse is like buyer's remorse, but no money was harmed during the reading of said blog; just time spent which you can't get back from your life.
Tonight I did what I tend to always do when I get sucked into the vortex also known as the world wide web, which is: waste hours of my life I can no longer have back. I have this addictive little (ha, see also big) personality. Sometimes it's chocolate, farmville, or cityville, but lately it's been perusing the web for little nuggets of bloggy bliss. I would just like to say that tonight was an epic FAIL!
I did however, finally find my fix. In a bizarre twist of links I found a website where people advertise their blogs. I clicked on this one that I thought would be an interesting read (to which I say this: you can't judge a book by its cover nor a blog by it's title). What I found instead was a series of surveys followed by what appeared to be a numbered list of blog links at the bottom of her page. Mainly because under the list of links was a box that mentioned typing in your blog's site and getting listed, blah blah blah irrelevant I realize--except for the fact I like to cram every tiny morsel into just about everything I'd come this far already so, I clicked on one of the links and--how weird--it was her exact same blog but in a different 'setting'. Bear with me I'm getting to the point BUT! On the side bar of this particular link was this: 30 things to do before I turn 30 subsequently followed by said list. I was inspired! So, dun dun dun dah! I give you: 35 things to do before I turn 35! This is like the bucket list on steroids. *Genius* Who wants to think about things they should do before dying? Not this girl, nope nope! I mean truly it all comes before the end anyways, so why focus on the minute details?! I will be considering all suggestions given from outside input so: suggest away!
P.S. A few things to keep in mind: I do not enjoy public humiliation or nudity and since I've already sewn more than my fair share of wild oats, criminal activities would be frowned upon. I'm not looking to push my luck just my comfort zone!
O.K., so where is the list? By that I mean your 35 by 35 list. I am reading your blog, by the by.
ReplyDeleteI'm in the process of writing it. I should probably just post what I have already...good point! I'll do that later on today. I'm open to suggestions as to what said list should/could include though! Happy to know you drop by. xo :)
ReplyDeleteAre you kidding me? Me? help YOU write a list like that! Our lists would be SOOOO different. Don't think I am the one to help with this one. Shoot. I don't even know what I would put on a list like that for myself. I am too practical to think I would be able to achieve anything that would be too far fetched. I would probably put something like "completely clean my house." But I am sure you will come up with something that would be fun and you would probably step out and try to accomplish the stuff.
ReplyDeleteMags, w/regards to your "take a semester of dance", I suggest taking a year of belly dance lessons. I did about 5-6 years ago, and absolutely loved it. It's the most woman empowering form of dance there is; check it out. :)
@DTBH, Oh prudent sister o' mine! That is precisely the point of having help! I wouldn't put practical things on a list made solely by yours truly...and yet, that doesn't mean I shouldn't make practical things a goal. :) I want some fun things to do, but I have made a career out of fun...I should try to work on my Self too.
ReplyDelete@Muse, I LIKE!!! I will change this at once!! Great idea!!!
Well, I've been thinking.
ReplyDeleteLying in bed, I asked my husband what things he thought I should do before I'm ....
I thought he might give me some good ideas. He did give me a good laugh. Here's his list:
-Go to Montana with him.
-Lose 30 lbs.
-Have a baby(I guess the above should be changed to 60lbs)
-Fall madly in love with him and have sex everyday.
Well, so much for the help!
...but I am thinking. I guess skydiving is a must on lists of this type.
Hmmm... You ski?
I'll have to get back with you. ;)
@MS, LOL!! You and your hubby sound like a crack up! I guess I could attempt to lose 35lbs before 35...since I'm on a roll w/the 35 theme! I'm not sure how I'd look -35lbs...I'm not sure I've ever weighed that little...I'd probably find bones I never knew existed! LOL
ReplyDeleteWhy Montana? That's pretty random.
I'd LOVE to have a baby!! I should put that on my list...although, I'm not sure my man would approve of having a baby goal! LMAO!!
I've never ski-ed (spell on past tense of ski?) I should do that at least once in my life probably, I will go with water ski...that's up my alley! :) I'm looking forward to what you come up with!!
I have always wanted to swing on a trapeze. I'm not sure where one goes about doing something like that.
ReplyDeleteI would also like to ride horses on the beach...with or without the Old Spice man.
I could say, Make love in a VS dressing room, but that's more of a "Things to Do Before I'm 25" list kind of thing.
This list really has me thinking. I, as DTBH said, must be too much on the practical side. The things I think of would not sound exciting to anyone else. I can sew, but a lot of good it does me. No time for it. I have plenty if scrapbooking supplies and pictures. No time for it. Love to play the piano. No time for it. I guess I would have to put a "Find time for the things I enjoy" somewhere on my list. That just reminded me of the Tim McGraw song, "My Next 30 Years.". I haven't heard that in forever. I'll have to look up the lyrics.
I think I'll take a moment, celebrate my age
The ending of an era and the turning of a page
Now it's time to focus in on where I go from here
Lord have mercy on my next thirty years
Hey my next thirty years I'm gonna have some fun
Try to forget about all the crazy things I've done
Maybe now I've conquered all my adolescent fears
And I'll do it better in my next thirty years
My next thirty years I'm gonna settle all the scores
Cry a little less, laugh a little more
Find a world of happiness without the hate and fear
Figure out just what I'm doing here
In my next thirty years
Oh my next thirty years, I'm gonna watch my weight
Eat a few more salads and not stay up so late
Drink a little lemonade and not so many beers
Maybe I'll remember my next thirty years
My next thirty years will be the best years of my life
Raise a little family and hang out with my wife
Spend precious moments with the ones that I hold dear
Make up for lost time here, in my next thirty years
In my next thirty years
Riding horses on the beach is an excellent addition to this list! I too have wanted to do that, maybe kill two birds with one stone after/before water skiing?! :) I literally LOL'd when I read the part about with or without the Old Spice man!
ReplyDeleteI agree, 25 would be age appropriate to do the VS thing...I'm past that point I believe...
I'm going to pass on the trapeze, that would've had to have been at 21 as my back would've actually allowed for that then...now, not so much! :) I'm not against practical, after some of the things I've tossed around in my mind, I'm thinking practical is some of the way to go!! LOL