Monday, April 4, 2011

Sharing really IS caring!

I have a cat named Shelby, in case you wondered, she's like my kid.  I'm not the crazy cat lady who goes around talking about my cat all the time, nor do I have more than one.  My home is very clean and no, you cannot smell cat pee (or poo for that matter) throughout the apartment.  In saying that, I am extremely protective of my Shelby cat.  She has been my kid now for 10 years and I am VERY stingy with her! I say this because in the past my mom may or may not have tried to "steal" her from me.  It's hard really to say whether or not stealing was the motive, however, a LOT of feeding did occur and not of the cat food kind. So, it's safe to say that there were a few moments when me and my mom went over the who gets to feed MY baby routine...and in case there is any question, it is me! :)

I have a man, his name is Jason, and in case you wondered, he is the love of my life.  Now, I'm not the crazy insanely jealous girlfriend (contrary to previous, although now deleted for my own reasons, blogs may have implied me to be).  In saying this, I feel a couple is TWO and I do not share.  I think my general lack of willingness to share stems from being the youngest of four children who most always got the hand me downs up until the point where I was old enough that most, then all of my siblings had "flown the coup" to which I became the sole focus of my parents. In saying that, I almost always prefer to have my own <fill in the blank>.  I detest sharing for the most part anything--and would almost always prefer giving up the something I have and getting a new something at a later date if the present could not afford such a replacement versus sharing the current something.  The exception to which being things shared between me and Jason:  he is special, therefore exempt. 

So, I emphasize my lack of willingness to share because I have realized something here very recently.  I willingly share my Shelby cat with my Jason, and my Jason with my Shelby cat. 
Shelby LOVES Jason, in fact sometimes I think she feels he is her boyfriend--that he comes over to see her.  You wouldn't believe me unless you see the way she follows him, greets him at the door, and runs to the door to say goodbye when he's leaving.  I've noticed it, my mom has noticed it, and even Jason has noticed it.  She adores him, bugs him constantly to play with her.  It's so adorable.  Equally adorable is how he takes the time to play with her--he's purchased a kitty condo for her, and when I had to put her litter box in my bedroom he got her an enclosed box with a ramp for the excess litter to be caught on.
My Love:  Jason

So, yes, just now I went on and on about my cat like a crazy cat lady.  But what I'm really saying is this:  I have the most amazing boyfriend.  He cares so much about me that he takes the time to love the things I love as much as I love them.  And I love him so much, that when the things I love begin to love him back the way they love me, I don't mind sharing them with him because he deserves all the love he gets!!  He is a wonderful man, and I am blessed to have him in my life.  :)
My Shelby Cat   


  1. Such a pretty kitty!
    You know, they say animals are a good judge of character. ;)

  2. Those they people are pretty smart! :)

  3. I was just gonna say that animals are a good judge of character, as are children. I can't believe you've had Shelby for that long! Anyway, both your loves are cuties.

  4. @Dalene, you know to think of it now, it's probably actually been 9 1/2 years, but yea, longest I've ever had an animal without someone stealing them from me...wonder if that has anything to do with being an adult vs a kid pet owner?...hmmmm At any rate, she's still so young and active. She's at least 13 yrs old if not older, the vet said she was 3+ when I adopted her from KFC but that they couldn't tell past 3 on cats. All I know is that once a pet sees you through a divorce (or other life changing event really) it completely changes the dynamic. Shelby was always "my cat" before but now, she is my loyal sidekick. I swear, when I'm home, she's by my side at all times. I think that's why it's so obvious how much she clicks with Jason, he's the only person who can get her to follow with or without me present. LOL


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