Thursday, March 31, 2011

Birdie birdie in the sky...

Today at work we had a fire drill.

The Safety Committee headed up the drill.  In case you ever wanted to perform a fire drill of your very own, here is a list of the things you'll need:

2 toy walkie talkies
1 clip board
1 air horn
4 people (preferably 3 males, 1 female)

So, here's how it went.  
*Ms. Firedrill looking for *Optimus Prime @ 10:30 says to *Megatron Megatron, have you seen Optimus Prime?  We're supposed to have a fire drill @ 10:30 but I can't find him anywhere. I believe he went to the bank. Well, what are we supposed to do? Hmmmm...

Time lapse....Optimus Prime returns from the bank....It's smoke break time (think Jersey Shore's it's t-shirt time)...we all go outside for break...where only Megatron is actually smoking.  Ms. Firedrill is on a "smoke break" of her own with some peanut butter toast.  
Time lapse...smoking actually occurs along with a lot of random chattering and some eating of peanut butter toast commences....
You ready to do this? uh yea... Let's go!
(I am just along for the ride on this one as I have a cubicle in the man cave so by default am privy to this scene.) Me: Hey, do you think you could hold off on the "emergency"...I have an actual emergency potty break I need to quickly take care of...can the fire wait? Yea, no worries, we'll wait.  Am I the only one thinking, would an actual fire wait for a tinkle? TMI, so sorry!
as I'm walking out of the bathroom: You ready Mags? Yea, yea...handle your business. Thank you to the fire for waiting on my is now complete!
*Blue#2:  grabs the MINITURE air horn (see also canned air) and starts walking up and down the hall ***sounding the horn*** "Fire alarm people, this is a fire alarm".
Now, I have seen some strange things at this place, but this one is like something you'd see in a comedy...people are filing out like it's an actual emergency.  Megatron and Blue#2 are directing traffic.  Ms. Firedrill and Optimus Prime are walking back and forth policing the area.  We all begin to file to the designated spot (which is at the end of the strip of buildings which are all connected, ours being at the far end, on the street corner end--is it really such a good idea to escape a fire at the opposite end of a short strip of connected building?) and stand beneath the billboard sign.  
Megatron on the walkie talkie: Megatron to Optimus Prime, do you copy me, over.  Optimus Prime on the walkie talkie:  Optimus Prime, all clear from the rear do you read me, over.  We are all clear over hear, Optimus Prime, this is Megatron 1, over and out. 

At this moment, a bird, perched on the billboard sign over head (where everyone is standing due to it's providing the only shade in the area) decided to take a poo...right on my boss lady's shirt!  Everyone is laughing and carrying on about the poo while Blue #2 is doing a head count and looking at his clipboard importantly.  Megatron starts trying to heard the circus back inside.  
After we get inside. 
Blue#2, you need to do a head count.  Ok, so I'll start with #1, then you say 2, so on and so forth until we count all employees...everyone's here, check check.   
Blue #2, you weren't supposed to SHAKE the can of air, it says: DO NOT SHAKE!  Oh, my bad, it wasn't working, so I shook started working. It says right there on the can you're not supposed to shake.  Yes Blue #2, didn't you read the label? there was also a flashing sign! 
Boss Lady: Ok people, can we wrap this up?  I gotta go home and change.

The moral of this story?  In the event of an actual emergency, we'd all be dead and the boss lady would take the shit for it!

*In this instance Ms. Firedrill and Blue #2's names are changed to protect their anonymity...Optimus Prime and Megatron were the actual names they used for each other in this fire drill.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Things that make you go huh?!...

I've come to the conclusion that I just don't get the blogging thing.  I think to myself:  Self, I'm interesting right?  To which my self says:  of course you are!!
So why then when I want to ramble I find that I am uninteresting?  So today I went to Blogs of Note.  Thank you very much Blogspot, you are a blogger's dream Blogspot indeed!
After carousing the "noteworthy" blogs I realized something:  Blogs do not have to be interesting.  They don't have to make sense or even be funny.  Sometimes the less informational and more deranged they are, the more often people read them! 
To which I say to you readers, good for you!  Have a mental vacation!  Beats the hell out of a mental breakdown...just ask Brit Brit (I can call her that, you know, since I'm in like Flynn--whoever that Flynn guy is...since I hear he's def in!).
The bottom line? I'm glad you asked! ;) We all love a little drama!  The messier life is, the better we like it.  No no, not OUR lives mind you.  Nope nope, I do not want to shave my head bald or see my yoohoo on yahoo.  Just yours!  I will laugh when Chelsea Lately makes fun of you.  When SNL makes a skit about you I will post the link on Facebook so my friends will "like" my post and make snarky comments.  Yes, I said snarky, so what?!
So yes, I am uninteresting.  I am not noteworthy.  I will take that, along with my, *yawn*, boring life, and I will be happy.  So nah, take that and rewind it back! Thbbbt!
~M :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Living for the weekends...

So, Thursday (my first day on the elliptical) was a bust!!  I woke up and thought to myself:  Self, I think I'll do the 45 minute interval "endurance" routine to gauge where I am. What was I thinking?!?!?!!!  3 minutes in I was like yeah, go me, I can do this, no problem...hahaha, that was the WARM-UP--DUH!!!  LOL, 7 minutes in I was completely gassed!!  My heart was racing, my breathing was heavy--lungs burning--and I was sweating bullets.  So, Friday I "wisely" chose a more appropriate setting for BEGINNERS!!  LOL  But, 20 minutes in I was still going strong.  So, slow and steady truly does win the race! 
Today is Week 1 of the "new and improved me" so, more to come on the weight loss journey.   The silver lining in this cloud?  I got on the scale on Friday and I am only (haha, I say only like it's nothing) 15lbs up, not the a fore mentioned 20!!  Woot woot! :)

This weekend was fantastic!  Friday night was dinner at Applebee's followed by Band Hero with my man.  Saturday we did some shopping and then watched the UFC fight night on Spike:  there's not much on TV that beats watching two genetically blessed men beat the crap out of each other! LOL  I am looking forward to watching my boyfriend, aka George St-Pierre, fight next month!! :) As an extra added bonus, they have scheduled my other favorite: Randy Couture on the same night!   *swoon*

Sunday was such a fun day! :)  Jason and I went to breakfast and then to the movies.  We watched Sucker Punch at the IMAX.  And now I digress...
Sucker Punch was a very strange movie.  I left the theater scratching my head thinking:  I think I liked it. The problem with this movie is that the effects are very cool but the story line is ambiguous.  When we rehashed the movie to my mom, Jason and I had very different takes on what happened to the main character before and during her stay at the mental hospital. It was very Resident Evil meets Inception and they have a baby. Their baby meets Shutter Island and they have a baby.  That baby's name is Sucker Punch. 
Do you ever pass a couple in the mall or on the street and go, huh?!  "How did THOSE two end up together?" Well, that's Sucker works, but you're not quite sure why. LOL

After the movies we went back to my place and decided to go throw the football.  By the time we got back to the apartment, mom was home and it was time to make dinner.  After dinner we tried to figure out how to copy DVDs to my laptop.  I'm not so concerned with burning them onto discs, but I would like to make digital copies of them so we can travel with movies without having to take the discs.  I can't get the dumb things to copy...all I get is folders with a bunch of files that my computer can't read.  Any suggestions?  Do I need to get some sort of software to make it an mp4 or whatever the dumb things are supposed to be for the Power DVD or Windows Media to play them?!  Any insight would be appreciated!! :)

Monday morning came too soon, but at least I have a hot lunch date with Jason! :) Tonight we start our new workout regime...wish me luck!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Watching my girlish figure...

So, over the past year and 3 mos I have managed to pack on several extra lbs...20 to be exact.  I have come to the conclusion that the difference between sluggishly chubby or healthy, happy, and svelte is precisely 20lbs.  Anything less is manageable.  If you were to gain say 10lbs that's as easy to lose as skipping dessert a few times or salads for a week...etc.  But once you reach the 20lb mark, no matter what you do, you are in it to win it if you want to fit back into those skinny jeans.  Gone are the days of an "off weekend". When friends getting the UFC fight on Sat nights order Buffalo Wild Wings or grill burgers and dogs, I must now forgo the wings or burger for the veggie tray--sans the dip.  
The light at the end of the tunnel is now just a faint glow and I must now address this issue head on.  So, to do this, I purchased an elliptical.  I had hoped it would be in stock and I would get to jump on this band wagon full force immediately.  Unfortunately, it had to be ordered and shipped.  My silver stallion is set to arrive on Friday.  I cannot wait to jump on this beast and ride off into the sunset of waistline bliss!!
Feel free to eat all the chocolates, candies, cakes, cookies, etc your waistline can handle...and while you do, think of me...sweating to the oldies and eating salads.  I shall eat vicariously through your waistline! ;)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hmmmm...this could get interesting...or maybe not so much...

So, my first official post...

I thought I was creating a blog.  Turns out, I was creating a blogspot to blog on...who knew!?  I had intended to name my first blog:  "Jumping on the Blog Wagon".  Ha ha...joke is now on me.  I have a blogspot title of the same...oops!

I have problems going to sleep at night.  So, my manfriend (boyfriend doesn't really do him justice in my humble opinion) suggested I get a notebook and write all my thoughts in it.  The theory was that if I get it all out then I could go to sleep with a clear head.  I thought to myself:  that won't work, I need to have feedback, to know that someone could/would validate my thoughts.  I've been visiting my sister's blog for a while and decided to give it a go...

Maybe it'll help, maybe it won't--either way, it's worth a shot.  *Cheers:  To sweet dreams and validation*

P.S. I need to figure out how to insert a thought bubble.  How can you have a note to self without a visual "note" to self?