Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Turning off the Hamster Wheel

There is something very uplifting about reading other blogs.

I have this hamster wheel inside my head, constant spinning, never getting anywhere. Think. Think. Think. It is like in the Minority Report, a constant tape going in my head. Pause, rewind, replay. Think. Think. Think. Go back, this happened, go forward, that happened, pause, rewind, play. It is the same attention to detail and intense problem solving skills that make me good at my job. I love that I can put pieces together, details that seem irrelevant yet matter, and figure out what is going on. I hate that I cannot shut off my brain.

Jason says that the reason I can't sleep is because I can't stop thinking, he also says that it is the same reason when I wake up in the middle of the night I don't just roll over and fall back to sleep. Eyes open=brain on.

Reading other peoples' thoughts is like a mental vacation. I love it when I can witness other peoples' thought process. Learn from it. Improve. Feels better already. Blogs are unique in that way, unlike a book, it is a rant or rave or blurb about fill in the blank. From start to finish it is how the author thinks. That particular thought of the day, how they start it off, their formation of words, and how they bring it all together is a form of art.

I like the Blogs that are perspective the best. The ones that are written to just tell you what is on their mind and why. The artsy fartsy ones are great too, don't get me wrong; everything in life has a purpose. Without the recipe builders and the photo collagiers, and the crafty mccraftersons of the world there would be less to choose from, less pinterest, less good food, good photos, less good. But, for me, I love to read the people who just take over the page with their personality and witty Outlook on life. (I also love that my phone thinks their witty Outlook is a Microsoft program hence it auto corrected my capitalization....and so it shall stay that way)

Yes, I just wrote a blog about blogs. But I can't seem to fall asleep and since I was reading and felt happy, it made sense to put it on paper(?). So, put that in your pipe and smoke it. :)

How do you turn off your brain?

P.S. Jason and I are going to do the Warrior Dash in April. It should be a blast. We are pretty excited about it, and most of all I will get to cross off one of the things on my list of things to do before I turn 35....although, come to think of it, my list is a little slim....I still need several things to add to it. I should add, adding more things to my list, to my list.

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