Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hmmmm...this could get interesting...or maybe not so much...

So, my first official post...

I thought I was creating a blog.  Turns out, I was creating a blogspot to blog on...who knew!?  I had intended to name my first blog:  "Jumping on the Blog Wagon".  Ha ha...joke is now on me.  I have a blogspot title of the same...oops!

I have problems going to sleep at night.  So, my manfriend (boyfriend doesn't really do him justice in my humble opinion) suggested I get a notebook and write all my thoughts in it.  The theory was that if I get it all out then I could go to sleep with a clear head.  I thought to myself:  that won't work, I need to have feedback, to know that someone could/would validate my thoughts.  I've been visiting my sister's blog for a while and decided to give it a go...

Maybe it'll help, maybe it won't--either way, it's worth a shot.  *Cheers:  To sweet dreams and validation*

P.S. I need to figure out how to insert a thought bubble.  How can you have a note to self without a visual "note" to self?


  1. ...waiting for more! Or maybe your sleep (or lack thereof) problem has been resolved? ;/

  2. One other thought...not putting your manfriend down at all but..
    If my husband told me to write my thoughts down in a journal, what he'd really mean is, "I'm trying to sleep. If you write it all down, I won't have to listen to you go on... and on... and on."

  3. LOL. That's funny...although, we don't live together. He tells me this in the morning when he calls to wake me up and I tell him I barely slept. :) More to come...


Thanks for reading! Your feedback is always appreciated! :)