I'm a stress eater. I eat when I'm stressed and then get stressed over eating about stress. See what just happened there?! I'm convinced that I'm missing a chromosome or a genetic switch. It will happen out of the blue, and I'll think to myself, "Self, please stop". Stupid Self, she never listens to me!
Then comes the inevitable food coma, the leveling of the blood sugar that feels like you just took a hit...the light bulb goes off, I'm just a freaking junkie: chocolate is my addiction.
Why don't they have a 12-step program for junk food junkies? I can see it now:
Hi, my name is Magdalene, and chocolate is my drug of choice. "Hi Magdalene."
It's been 3 days since my last chocolate and I'm starting to get the urge to use chocolate again. I'm finding myself wandering around the drug stores and Super Wal-marts...up and down the candy aisle. I keep trying to stay away from the old stomping grounds but it is OH SO HARD! I go to the grocery store and just when I think I'm in the clear they have the Easter candy display right next to the check-out...you know the one in Safeway?! It is massive!! How cute, the chocolate eggs and the Reese's bunnies, and yet I know I shouldn't. Why does being bad have to taste SO good?!
And then there's that week, you know the one. I start craving chocolate a few days before...it's like a sickness.
Magdalene, anytime you feel that urge to binge and purge, call your sponsor. We are here for you.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Well, you get the gist.